Cotton and linen plain weave, 120/2 in warp cotton and linen 100 in weft, combining a natural freshness with a soft, classic taste, perfect for elegant and summer shirts.
Cotton and linen plain weave, 120/2 in warp cotton and linen 100 in weft, combining a natural freshness with a soft, classic taste, perfect for elegant and summer shirts.
Cotton and linen plain weave, 120/2 in warp cotton and linen 100 in weft, combining a natural freshness with a soft, classic taste, perfect for elegant and summer shirts.
Cotton and linen plain weave, 120/2 in warp cotton and linen 100 in weft, combining a natural freshness with a soft, classic taste, perfect for elegant and summer shirts.
Cotton and linen plain weave, 120/2 in warp cotton and linen 100 in weft, combining a natural freshness with a soft, classic taste, perfect for elegant and summer shirts.
Fine, flexible but also very strong yarns can be produced from the nettle. Nettle fiber is soft, durable and breathable like linen and as shiny as silk. It is a 100% biodegradable natural fiber with antistatic properties.